Chase Carter

Chase Carter
all information contained within this blog are the sole property of The Chase Carter Method

Friday, October 29, 2010

October 20, 2010 meeting

I apologize for the delay getting this posted.  The workshop from 10/27/10 will be posted prior to next week’s meeting. 

Chase was out on 10/20/10.  Kelly stepped right up to the plate to take over for him.  He wasn’t sick, so no worries. 

There was no channeling.  We did, more or less, an overview of what’s happening with each of us. 
Kelly has noticed that in other groups, folks get distracted and falloff course.  She wanted to make sure we were all on track. 

I don’t like number 11 at all.  I can’t sleep. It puts me on edge.  Usually that is some kind of resistance.  Try to work through that.  You may want to push through it to see if you can get it to shift.  We had a woman that had horrible migraines.  When she started the tones, they came back. She worked through it, and the migraines went away. 

I find myself waning.  It’s hard to do everything that needs to be done and still make time for the tones.  I’ve found there are days when I don’t make time to listen to the tones.  Can you incorporate the tones into your meditation?  Intention can be like a meditation.  If you can’t listen to them in the morning and evening, listen to them back to back. Try to listen twice a day at least though.  That’s what I do.  The first time around, my mind is still wandering. By the second time, I can listen to it.  This is one week I really didn’t want to listen, but I did it anyways.  I understand.  I get that way too once in a while.
I had one week I didn’t do at all. Chase said tack it on at the end.  Was he kidding?  I don’t think he was kidding.  Just listen to it when our 12 weeks are complete.  Just keep going.

I’ve found number 6 is kind of sad, or heavier.  That’s what’s going on in my life right now.  It’s striking something. It’s not the tone, it’s something within you.  The tone isn’t creepy.  The creepy is from within.  It’s not affecting me really weird.  It’s just affecting you in a different way. 
There’s a part of me that feels like I’ve plateaued.  I feel like I’m just going along and then feel like I’m not doing it right.  I listen to the tones. I do the affirmation, and that helps w/ the monkey mind.  Monkey mind is ok. Sometimes it’s about letting the mind just be the mind and not controlling the mind.  “Mind is not mine” – said by some guru guy.  It’s part of your learning curve, but is not who you are.  Make sure you’re not trying to factor control into it.  A lot of it is just learning to accept ourselves for who we are regardless of which space we’re in. It’s about accepting, not controlling.  It’s about unraveling the old garbage that we’ve picked up through past lives and this life and peeling it away.  The plateau may be the calm before the storm. Sometimes we reach the point where we’re just not as fearful of what is next.  Keep on keeping on. 

I’ve had emotions, but not extreme.  When I fall asleep during the tones this week, I wake up w/ a shiver.  Does that make sense?  It’s like a release.  I tingle when I’m connected. I get tingly everywhere.  All viby… I have to take a break to get a break from it, though.  My body craves the tones because of the physical feeling I get. I can’t sleep.  Shift the time you listen.  It will shift. 

I learned something from a monk:  life does not come at us, it comes from us.  When I think of that, I look at things externally. It’s gotta come from something that’s not healed within me.  That’s the law of attraction.  Chuck Reynolds said “judgment means just like me”. No judgment. Peel the layers. Become aware. In that awareness, be aligned. 

I just feel like I don’t have time.  I do too many classes. I get home from class, say hello to my husband, and then I’ve gotta do more tones.  It’s really getting in the way of what I need to do during the day.  Out of 24 hours, it’s 40 minutes.  I know you get that.  We’ll talk about it later.  I have to be careful. I want so much for everyone to do well and keep going.  I know what it’s like when life gets in the way.  All I can say is even if you’re feeling it right now, and just need to extend it and keep trying. Find a workable solution, or whatever.   Chase commented that he would channel another sequence for us.  I might do that.  I started out gung ho… then events started happening.  I’m really behind.  Life gets in the way when its 12 weeks.  12 weeks is a lot.   --- Advice/ comment from other attendee:  it’s not atypical.  As time goes, my resistance comes in. At week 6, 7, 8 I start finding resistance.  Someone in a previous class said the tones sounded like a stuck car horn.  When I took the primal class, I was angry, hostile every week.  I was angry every week, but I loved them.  You have to take time for you.  You have to schedule time for yourself.  Every time we make a commitment, the universe gets in the way.  How sincere are you in your intention?  What is your truth? It is about truth.  They will call you out.  This isn’t about judgment or guilt.  We just accept it.  We work through it.  Instead of gunning for folks on the outside, don’t put a cap on it and pretend to be what you’re not. What is your truth?  If you’re feeling bitchy, then you’re feeling bitchy.  It’s always gonna creep in and get you. Don’t put a cap on it.  Work through it.  There is the challenge.  Try to support one another through the process.  Do what you can. You will get maximum benefits if you listen to them the way they were designed, but no judgment.

I haven’t had any of the really emotional things happen.  It does feel like when the universe throws angry people at me, they don’t upset me like they used to.  I don’t feel like I need to air my dirty laundry any longer.  I’m not having huge emotional shifts.  I’m not reacting the way I used to.  That is a gift.  That is the greatest gift we can give ourselves; to be able to clock our progress rather than being our greatest critic.  Westerners want the big bang.  We want immediate gratification.  Life isn’t like that.  The little things matter more to the collective universe than the big bangs.  The little ones are more frequent.  We need to notice the little things.  Even in admitting we don’t want to do it. There is tremendous power in healing groups. 

Did anyone else want to share anything? I have the tingling, but I have an artificial knee. From the knee down I don’t feel anything.  Sometimes my toes will tingle.  Is that normal? Body work.  Get the body work.  Even if a friend trades… get the body work.  Foot Finesse is open in Irvington, Greenwood and Nora. 

How are we doing with our intention?  Is it recommended? Is it mandatory?  All of the steps are easy once you get past the ego.  We used to do an exercise where we would say our intention to a neighbor.  If you’re not being truthful, others can feel it. 

Chase shared the experience with contracts with his sister and her husband.  Chase is changing his DNA, and his families DNA.   The work we are doing is huge.  All the contracts that we have set up way in the future, it’s shifting too. 

We did an exercise where we sat and stared at our neighbor… very cool exercise. 
Again, thank you again, Kelly for filling in for Chase! 

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