This is the transcription of the channel session held in the board room on 1/19/2011.
To discuss: more about fear and love. We didn’t have enough time to discuss it last time, and they have a bit to do with the qualitative and quantitative aspects of your life.
The 12 houses are comprised of the 12 different learning steps of life. The end result is love over fear. You want the highest number under love. We invite you to close your eyes and listen to what we have to say and allow your soul to determine resonation. In this small room your resonation may be bouncing off of one another. Go within and allow your soul to listen. Last week we discussed communicating w/ your soul if you try. If you listen w/ your soul tonight, you may get a deeper resonation than fear or love. You may want to dig deeper by allowing your soul to hear versus allowing your mind to listen. Your spirit may listen as well, but allow the soul to hear everything and not overreact to the complications. Some of the information may disrupt your belief system completely. Nothing is written in stone. You don’t have to believe it if you choose not to. If your soul recognizes as its truth, that is fine. If not, that is fine as well. You take what you can. You may have to hear some of the information over and over before it takes effect. It may never take effect.
We’ll begin with the 12 houses in the cones: 199 cones, 7 cones within each cone. Inside of each cone is 12 houses. Within each house, are 7 of the same cones. Within each house of control there are 7 cones with the same 7 levels on the same 7 cones (chakras, DNA, past life, present life, contracts, life plan, and personality). Life form is multi-dimensional. It’s far more than your concept of dimension. Your technology output for the past 30 years has been very rapid. Once you get a piece of information, you build quickly. Some of this can be explained because of the innovations in technology. If you had been told some of these years ago, it would not have been understood simply because of the advance of technology. You have the technology to make some of what we discuss easier to understand. If humans can communicate the way they can, imagine what the universe can do.
You have the 7 cones w/in each house. All of your experiences are within each box. You have the 12 different houses crossing over one another. When you have the swirling, you have the rotating notes, your cones turn clockwise and counterclockwise, your windows go the opposite direction energetically. When you have the 7 cones w/in each house, they are going the same direction as the outer cone. Each cone has 4 chords. It gets quite deep. This is all overlapping – 199 chakras overlapping. Your ego, superego and spirit are all trying to make sense of it.
Back to fear and love: you have love and fear over each other. Love is the bottom line of “god-ism”. Love is the connect ability of oneness to each other. Love is the human word for many different parts of what exist to the highest level of vibration. Under love are several levels of love.
When you have control and awareness and the other houses, and there are experiences planned, you are given a great deal of free will. Once you enter a track that is your destiny. Free will is less prominent once you choose your path. When you enter the highway and there is as detour and you wind up back to the main road if you follow the detour. If you stay on path, you get back on track. That is much like your human life. Once you choose a path, things that were preset are pretty much destiny or fate. They are 2 different things but similar meaning. You can detour, but choices are made and crossroads are created to allow you to reevaluate and reflect to see if you want to continue this path. You have free will with many many choices. Once you take a choice, you are on your destiny again and fate will take more places on that route, which could take you onto a different path if you firmly rebut your life plan. This doesn’t happen often, but it can.
That goes together with each of the 12 houses. There are crossovers. All 12 house experiences could cross over with each other. Your soul knows how to separate and distinguish them, as does your chakra. They know how to sort them. It’s only electricity sending the vibration toi the houses and determining how much love or fear was involved with each choice. Bottom line is to move experiences from fear up to love. Under Control and Love there will be several different experiences from conception toi death. During that time, many levels of love will be involved. It’s not about finding romantic love , or love for your church or flowers. The love we’re talking about is bigger than the love you are aware of. It throws everything into the highest vibration. Within each word is another vibration. Loving a person is a cognitive concept. The person next to you may have a different level of love or definition of love. No one in this room has experienced what true love – absence of being – feels like. Many of us in the room have felt to the fullest, fear. Fear is the tough one.
In the fear concept, there are many dimensions of fear, flight, or disconnect. The typical level of fear (flying, bugs, and claustrophobia) can have other levels as well. Your body and soul has taken every concept discussed and split it apart. Each experience exhibiting fear, you won’t have love and fear, anything other than 100% love is another level of love, same with fear. When you say “I’d love to … but I’m afraid to” that level of fear is measured by the body hormonally and physiologically. When you think or say those words, there is a vibration sent through the body, through the nervous system and registering true fear. Your soul understands your level of fear and it registers in the cones and houses. It’s much like your credit scores. Your body is your Geiger counter. The tones and experiences of your life are measured. Traumatic childhood causes a lot of fear. Globally, there is a lot of fear on the planet. It drives the rotation of the Earth. It goes down to the core of the earth. Your body is the Geiger counter for your soul, humans are like the Geiger counter for the earth. When there is a lot of fear, it is transferred and down into the soul of the earth. Your body does the same thing: creates cancers, and other illnesses. What does your body create? What does the Earth create? The volcanic tunnels (veins of the earth) are becoming very constrictive which causes eruptions. The earth has “varicose” veins if you will and is working on a way to release.
A small amount of fear is measured and filed away in a box. Your fear and love can be transferred—not given away. The other person can decide what level of love or fear they take from you. You have influence. Your actions influence others. Your words influence others; your life influences others. You influence each other very much. It’s hard as a human to measure it; it’s not difficult for your soul to measure.
When you have concepts taking place: fear and love, it’s the level of value that you have. Joy is a subcategory of love which is working up to love. You’ll go out of love into happiness and bliss. As a human you have to have words rather than just having “happiness”. You’ve met people who are just “happy”. You find joy or happiness in doing something you love. That register then rises. All of those energies are spread through the neighborhood. Does your soul have a concept of how important you are on a deeper level? Each one of you needs each other. Each of you need to be loving to each other. When you’re not, fear raises almost 2 xs as fast. It’s easy to bring a room down, and difficult to bring the room back up. It takes a lot of joy to replace fear. Fear is instant. To find and experience joy and experience is harder than fear. You can go to fear in an instant. You have human experiences to teach us not to show your true self. Fear is guarding you as well. Fear of allowing others to see the truth in you. The true self of you because you’re afraid. When you shut the doors, it’s hard to open the doors. It can be done, but it is difficult. Sometimes you revert back to the old you. TV is not all bad. There are a lot of positives. It assists people in getting ready for future events. When the event happens, the fear level isn’t as high. When you are watching a show and you cry out of love or fear, it also goes into your body and spreads through your neighborhood or country.
In your country there is a lot of fear that wasn’t there 8 – 10 years ago. 15 – 20 years ago was another crossroads for your country. A lot of fear is going into the earth. The people you surround yourself with could be influenced by you to shift from fear to love… or at least like. Just be kind. Kind is a type of love. You can alter your truth; you can alter what you show people. You can alter who your personality is. That’s what healing is all about. It won’t fix everything, but it will fix a lot. If nobody had challenges, the country would be quite narcissistic.
We’re going to speak to your soul and spirit. When everything is turning with your wheels, when each major religion was developed, it was developed for people to have a variety of experiences for a different higher being. A different level of spirituality. On all planets, the question is what is out there and what is the force behind my actions? Where does this “stuff” come from? What makes me do what I do? A different deity was created for the culture and time of that location: Buddha, Hindu, Native American, Christian. As humans became more “intelligent” some of the ideas didn’t make sense any longer. “Common sense” was brought into our belief systems and societal control. Deities were created to control everything. If we have nothing to identify with it, we can’t cheapen it or knock it down. We created mystical figures. Human is brought down and created a belief system. All belief systems brought down the same basic covenants. While it is believed by our vibrational system if you are in the American belief system, you have a tendency to remain in that belief system. Typically, you would not rush to a different belief system in a spot. You don’t get the full impact of Hinduism unless you are born and raised in it. There are rare people who can reincarnate into a different belief system, but it’s rare. We’re advising you to observe how different cultures embrace something because it’s different and there is a fear that they may be wrong and another faith is “right”.
What about Buddha and Jesus? What about the other “messiahs”? All of these religions say something similar to “you were created in my image”. What image? The image you were created in is the image of bio magnetic electrical energy: the soul, not your body. When you envision Jesus to look like what he looks like, that is not what he looks like. The image is the universal spirit energy. Your Soul. Jesus doesn’t look like Jesus. You don’t look like you; you look like your soul. That bright light and lightening in your root chakra is where it’s housed and glows. When your soul begins to depart your body, you can sometimes see it happening. Some of you are tuned in to others. Your soul is the image. It’s not just the image of Jesus and Buddha. It’s also the image of God. God is NOT God. God is Spirit or soul. Total Soul. It’s the collective unit of all souls in the universe that have not gone by the way of fear. Fear is the lightning of the universe… the dark cloud. You might call that demonic or devilish. God is the collective unit of all souls that have decided to go the direction away from fear. When people say God is within you, it’s as truism. God is only a word created for Supreme Being. The universe is the Supreme Being. When you pray or meditate or send out positive brainwaves, you’re sending them to the collective universe. You’re sending to each living being. When this group was praying for a person or animal, it was being collectively responded group. The asking part as well. Your soul is part of the universal soul. God is not a single entity. The universe is broken down w/ different levels of energy. Your soul is a part of it. When you reincarnate enough to get enough love to take yourself to the next level. If you can’t start w/ love, just start w/ like. Start with appreciation. Lower the fear factor. Love will grow. Start simply. You are helping people all over the world and sometimes don’t appreciate yourselves as the power you have. Globally they are starting to get it. Not universally yet. You have a lot of power on this planet. Yes, the God you think you know IS in you because YOU are a part of it. You’re not separate from It. Fear can disconnect you.
When you work on someone, work on the fear that created the illness. You don’t have to relive it; you just want to heal the level of fear that created it. The color systems love and fear will be discussed in level 3. For right now, know that you are love. It’s the measure of love. There is not one single entity of God; there are all souls that have chosen the love route over the fear route. Hitler was a fear route person. That should decide to go the fear route. You have politicians who have gone fear route. They may or may not have chosen the fear route. Vice President Cheney went the fear route. They have a lot of fear. He’s gone the complete fear route. Even in modern history there are people who have gone the fear route. Your government has one coming up who will go the fear route. A stronger one, coming up. A stronger one. Your present government is weak enough not to recognize it happening to change the direction. Depending upon how much humans outside of the fear factor step outside of the fear can change that destiny. Can change the person that’s chosen the fear factor and not let it happen. It needs to be soon. It’s developing. It’s taking hold in your country. The closed circuitry is very strong around this person. Love can combat it. You can love and change that. Don’t go into fear mode. Stay in like and love mode. You can change each other. If you can’t “love” just appreciate and like more. Show it more on a genuine basis.
The house of guilt is the next house. This is a big one. This is SIN. These are the rules you were set up to feel. There’s a lot of different guilt. Guilt is negative. That is fear… a part of fear energy. Remorse is another part of guilt. Another level of guilt. Remorse for something that you feel you did wrong against society, morality that HUMANS have established a standard for. One of the emotions assigned w/ guilt is sadness. Generally, you know why you are sad. You know why you feel guilt, but don’t want to be honest with yourself. Guilt has been used by many societies.
Guilt is very powerful, but unless y ou realize why you’re sad or crying, it will just keep popping up. There has to be a release. It will generally come out in an emotional outburst… and it has to be controlled in public. We feel sinful for crying. We go deeper and deeper into fear mode. We’re aware of it , so that house gets Kudos. The less guilt the more happiness inside. Once we learn what happiness feels like, we don’t have to feel guilt and sadness. If you give up the guilt and sadness, embrace the love and like. Lower walls not build them. Lower the bridges don’t pull them up or blow them up. Create the likeness inside… not mentally, soulfully.
Is depression part of guilt? Yes, it can be a part of the guilt. Your body is the Geiger counter for your soul. When depression sets in , it’s a larger set of guilt and remorse. It drains the energy of the body. It makes the soul very very tired. It’s more than feeling sad and crying.
Is the fear in the earth going to change or not? That’s a predictive, and we don’t like to do predictives. There are opportunities for it to shift and humans are a part of the opportunities. There is time for the earth to shift.
I’d like to say for the last 3 months, I’ve thought of this, and appreciate what you’ve said.
It’s not a big splash that there was only 1 God or 1 Buddha. We feel your energy. This is a powerful group as healers.
If guilt was used by religions to control people? How is it used today? The same way… “you’re going to go to hell if you don’t get saved”. Catholicism was very good at using fear. They were one of the original groups to control the masses. It was largely directed toward women because they are the child bearers. They create the next generation. The men were in control, but men were needed to fight. Women were brought under scrutiny most often because they were the child bearers. Sometimes they turned out challenged or disabled in some way so it was the women’s fault. If we have a male politician, we can put them on the racks or torture racks. Even in your own country the witches were women. Women give up and become so fearful. Men were fighters.
Its felt to me that a lot of people are crossing over. I’ve wondered if there is something to add their energy at a stronger level. This is complicated. The number is higher because there are more of you. The number seems higher because it’s easier to get the information out. There are a few more spirits leaving because earth is very old, and they are going to the next dimension plus, some of the younger souls coming in now are coming from higher dimensions from other dimensions. They are grossly different from children 10 years ago. Children today are much more in tune than Indigo children.
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