The notes from 1/5/2011 were cut off short. I’ve got my theories on what happened, and will be happy to discuss with anyone interested in hearing, but I’m not sure I want to post it here in the blog. I apologize for not getting all of the conversation from the Channel, and will not post the notes provided to me by Kathryn because I believe, ultimately, the recorder cut off for a reason, and those that took notes took the notes they were meant to have. Those of us that didn’t take notes, for whatever reason, were not meant to have the information any further. Might sound a little crack-pot, but there you go.
Apparently I’m not being fired from writing the blog yet. There was some discussion regarding the effectiveness of the blog. A copyright notice has been placed on the blog.
We want to reintroduce some of the information discussed from last week. We didn’t get in everything, so we will discuss that first and then discuss the new information about the 12 life lessons.
Last week we discussed difference in spirit and soul. We discussed that the soul is a living entity. It is your identity mark on the spiritual world, in the soulful world of the universe. From the good aspect of the spiritual living beings. Energetic beings of the universe. When a new soul is born, it is given a body in some spiritual realm. As it learns, it reincarnates. The soul starts out like a human infant, it learns as it grows. It learns to be a human. When it’s done w/ this planet, it goes to the next outer realm to review what the human learned during this time frame. At that time, the humanness is left behind. The soul only takes with it the experientialness of this life. It doesn’t take this body with it. Your soul is going without it. Your soul looks at all the things you had planned to learn. In your plan, you may have 16 trillion plans over a lifetime. If you make this decision then you have consequences. There are always choices. You may have 2 directions or several directions. Because you have a life plan does not mean you’re going to do them all. You have many choices. There are so many choices. When you go to the “ante-room” to examine your life, you experience it on a feeling basis. It’s a magnetic electrical response. It’s no longer bio magnetic because you are no longer alive on the earth plane. It is the response to your experiences on the earth. Your soul is trying to mature in a spiritual way. It learns on a magnetic electrical response. The electrical energy from each lesson, controls for example, all humans are here to learn something about control. If you’ve learned a great deal about control through many negative control issues to get to the positive control experience. I.e. prisoners learn control through being controlled in prison. It’s a harsh lesson by human standards, but needed for them. In some ways, they are sacrificing. In all societies, there is good and evil.
We discussed religion. Someone said “there will always be good. There will always be evil. But when good does evil, there must be religion.” There is good and evil in a natural sense. A child says the most honest and truthful things until they learn about religion and good and evil. We’re not knocking religion, but that is when children are indoctrinated with good and evil. Until they are indoctrinated, they say the cutest things and don’t understand the difference between good and evil. When your energy is up & it’s getting the feeling, it goes into a record; an electrical record and rises the vibration of the lessons learned. So far, you know you are learning humanistically: Control is a human word. The concept is much bigger in the universal life force energy than it is the narrow context of your dictionary or verbal response. When we say vibrationally control, open your mind to bigger, much more global concepts. You are already aware of Control, awareness and esteem. You know those are already some of the lessons all humans are here to learn. Of the 12 lesson and you’re learning these experiences and taking the experiences with you, it raises the control factor. If you had a bar graph, you could see control, awareness and esteem rise from different life experiences until it raised to the top. The goal is total healing. A color is assigned to each aspect. Next level we will discuss the color system of the rainbow and what each of those rankings is and which of the colors denote which house.
When you go and evaluate your experiences, you take the experiences and evaluate how aware you were in this life time. How did you know or sense the ability of what is going on around you? Was your life very casual? There is a difference between going w/ the flow and aware of the flow. Some people are “airy” and not “aware” of what is going on. People who seem to go with the flow may be very wise and not get caught up in the mundaneness in the life, and enjoy the living aspects of life. When you start living and evaluating whether you are aware of what is going on in your life without judgment. Esteem is quite judging. You value yourself or not. You place a value system on yourself. That’s not what we’re talking about here. Awareness of your life. Control of your life. Esteem of your life. Do you value and how much do you value yourself? What is the value? When your soul goes up, on a magnetic electric response system, it values the 12 items, and by feeling thru an electrical charge that would feel good to your soul when all the lights from all the 12 items. Imagine you would be the rainbow seen one day. You’re not just a rainbow, but a song as well.
You have your brightness of your rainbow with music. As your rainbow rises, your song rises and becomes more in harmony with the universe. Do you see how beautiful you are? That you’re a bright song and color in the universe. You’re part of the rainbow. That’s the goal of the human: to have the fullest color.
Religion or spirit is manmade. It can get convoluted. Spirit is brought in after you’re born. Spirit doesn’t come in with you: spirituality and soul, yes. Spirit-no. The spirit is a man made created entity residing within you as an energy built and created and growing within you. It’s an energy you’ve placed in there. The spirit is the man-madeness, or humanness in you. It’s the energy discussed earlier that causes you to do good and evil. Your religious system is indoctrinated into you. In this continent, the primary religion is Christian sprinkled w/ other systems. That is in you. You will always go seeking that format, or compare all other spirit formats to your original faith system. It’s instinctive in your DNA now. If you’re a 1st generation, it may take awhile for that to shift. Your DNA spirit is here, and continues to grow within.
Your mind or your ego is the other entity. Your personality or your humanness. It controls your body and assists in controlling your body and soul. You have 3 entities within your body: Soul, Spirit and Ego controlling and manipulating you. It’s your decision which to listen to if you are aware. Many don’t realize how your system w/ you works. We often hear “if only I knew… then I would do…” that’s not what your ego is agreeing to. That may be your soul or spirit saying that. Your ego is saying “you wouldn’t because you’ll be afraid because we are in control”. Most times, the ego or brain is what was taught to be human. It was taught to be human. It was taught in a negative + positive way. You have more going on w/in your body than you realize. If you put your brain on hold and check w/ your soul, you’ll learn so much more. You have to return to the soulful child. This child may be wise. Can you tap into this energy? Yes… quiet your mind and ask your soul to come forward and teach you. THEN, you have to pay attention to the life lessons. You have to listen to the 12 lessons and see if you can tap into your soul. Not your spirit. Not your ego. Your ego has done wonderful things. It’s taught you to get along in life. We understand that you have to be human. But you have to understand that these experiences are those you chose. We want you to get the most positive out of your experiences. You can reach your soul or spirit or you can stay in your ego. Most humans stay in their ego and allow the soul to sleep because they have the religion going on. The rules. If you reached to your soul, you may be able to take your soul bigger. Whatever religion you talk about is a man made tool where your soul has no boundaries. Your ego is trying to keep your safe in the way that it was taught. You are not your ego. One of the 12 things to learn is Truth (#6). Your truth is not your ego. The truth of you is not the person that you portray. It’s not remotely close to what you portray.
What is truth? Truth is an accepted standard governed by humans to be the truth of the masses. By your experiences, they shed their truths or experiences onto you. So that is who you became humanistically. Is that your truth? Your true self is much higher vibration. Discovering your truth is part of your lesson journeys. You are in this classroom to help you discover your truth. That’s what the tones ill help you do because they speak to the soul. When you discover your truth and discover who you truly are in a daily basis and being open to that, you can begin to portray that. Show the light within you.
The 4th house is trust. Trust in yourself. Trust is about confidentiality and expectations humanistically. You give them permission, or contract w/ them about something. You trust that they are going to follow through. There is a confidence about your life that people need to have in you. Ultimately, the trust is about you. Do you trust yourself? Do you trust yourself to complete things? Your trust is within yourself. This is where fear comes in a great deal. Love is the goal of all the lessons. Fear is the lower level of all lessons. How many trust yourselves completely? You are basically afraid of your soul and what your soul looks like.
Compassion is the 5th house: do you have compassion about yourself? Seeing, feeling, understanding the emotionally, vibrationally the pains and struggles of others; AND THEN, attempting to do something about it. Having that inner compassion. It must take connectabillity to an issue. You may see ads for certain issues, so you send them money. You have the desire to help. Do you have compassion for yourself? Do you see your own lack of or abundance of compassion so that you can connect to the compassion within yourself so that you can further help yourself? Are you aware of compassion for yourself, or do you beat yourself up? Do you value yourself? What is the value of yourself? Do you trust yourself? Do you have enough compassion to feel the connectivity? How many of you feel the connection to others more than to yourself?
Interestingly enough… this is where the recording stopped…
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